New year, new color

Very Peri

The color of 2022 according to the American institute Pantone is Very Peri – a combination of a blue hue with violet-reddish nuances or a color, comprised of the loyalty and perseverance of the blue color and the energy, emotion and vigor of the violet-red undertone.

Very Peri reflects on the perception of the ongoing transformation in the period of the pandemic and somehow encouragingly promises better times to rewrite our personal stories. And as the color itself is an indefinite blend of blue and violet-red, so we are when we find ourselves very often amidst melancholic memories and full of hope coming days. But the color of the year is here to give us an intriguing guidance helping us to reconnect with life, survive in the transformed reality and why not, even, thrive no matter the obstacles.

And as for interior design, we anticipate the energetic invasion of Very Peri as the accent color of our walls or in the textile in the form of drapes, fabrics and accessories with distinctive character.